PSA Assessment: Create 1

First Day: On our first day of filming, we had Peter missing since he left for France. We decided to start filming with Scene 1 (doctor’s scene) since it only required Alisa for the scene. I filmed the scene as Marie helped Alisa memorize and fix the script. We borrowed a lab coat from Mr.Labreque. Since we needed a plain back ground, we went to ELAC. Though we found a plain background, we decided to go back to the theatre. We used the curtains for the plain background and the podium to make the scene have an more of an serious atmosphere. We rather got ready for the scene rather than taping. We wrote the script and had Alisa memorize it. We also went around numerous places to experiment where the scene will look the best in. Alisa was the doctor and Marie and I took the scene, got ready of the costume/script.

Second Day: Peter was back in Japan and everyone in our group was here. Since both Peter and I were wearing casual clothes, we weren’t able to tape scene 6 + 7. We decided to finish taping Scene 1 (doctor’s scene). Alisa had memorized the script so the process of taping went smoothly. Peter, Marie, and I taped while Alisa did the acting as a doctor.

Third Day: We decided to tape Scene 2  (Small room with door, preferably the health office). This is the scene in which Marie and I, act like we are going to go into a room and have sex. Taping when smoothly since everyone cooperated. Peter and Alisa helped on taping and creating the scenery, as Marie and I got ready to act.

Fourth Day: The fourth day didn’t go well. We had opposing ideas on our PSA. In my opinion, I thought that our topic was too hard to create a PSA on. Our topic doesn’t have an specific scene on focused on. For example, if our topic was on avoiding aids, our PSA will be straight forward, wearing condoms while having sex. When it is on benefits of sex, the answer or solution is too broad and unclear, such as it relieves stress, builds self confidient, etc. That really made it hard to design and organize our PSA. After debating whether we should change our topic or not, we decided to move on without changing the topic because of all the work and blogposts we did already. We decided to delete scenes 3, 4, 5, and 7. Instead, we planned on having a scene with Peter running into the bathroom and crying. We taped scene 6 in the health office.

Fifth Day: We were determined on what to do and work went smoothly. We taped scenes 3, 4, and 5 since all three takes place in the same place. Peter and Alisa acted while Marie and I taped.

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